Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain

The emotional toll of chronic pain can be devastating for those suffering and for their family members. The day in and day out struggle of chronic pain can be overwhelming. Although ERPS is undoubtedly here to help address your physical symptoms, we are also here to help with the emotional and mental component of chronic pain. For those suffering, we recommend the following tips for coping with chronic pain:

  • Enlist the support of family and close friends. Express to your loved ones the hardship of chronic pain.
  • Allow your family and friends to help you when you need it. It can be challenging and humbling to relinquish control of certain tasks, but knowing when to ask for help is an important step towards healing.
  • Join a support group! You are not alone.
  • Try to reduce the unnecessary stress in your life. Managing chronic pain is a big enough task on it’s own. Stress can heighten your pain. 
  • Try implementing a daily meditation or breathing practice which can help your muscles to relax and lead to pain reduction.
  • Invest in an occasional massage!
  • Seek therapy or counseling if you need it. Your mental health can undoubtedly suffer when dealing with chronic pain on a daily basis. Please seek mental health treatment if you are feeling depressed.

We desire to see our patients thriving, body and mind. We are here for you and the entire journey of healing from chronic pain. Please do not hesitate to reach out to discuss additional ways that we may be able to help you.

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